Scp-096 története

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SCP-096 - SCP Foundation. Description: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height scp-096 története. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subjects body, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters each.

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. SCP-096 :: Scp-alapitvany. Dokumentált sebessége változhat 30-35 km/h-ról km/h-ra, és úgy tűnik, az SCP-096-1 és az SCP-096 közötti távolságtól is függ scp-096 története. Ezen a ponton semmilyen ismert anyag vagy módszer sem akadályozhatja meg SCP-096-1 halálát. Megjegyzés: Ez a reakció nem fordul elő, ha megtekinti az SCP-t művészi ábrázolásokon. Amikor .. SCP mi lehet ez? (7949593. kérdés) - Gyakori kérdések. - River Cat - SCP-796: Egy hallucináló, nagy, sötét macska scp-096 története. Az érintett alanyok egy hónapon belül egy látszólag független esemény következtében halnak meg. - A Sípolócsontok - SCP-774: Egy vegyi anyag, amely áthalad a bőrön, és feloldja az összes csontot, kivéve a koponyát.. SCP Alapítvány - Blogger. A dokumentált sebesség harmincöt (35)km/h-ról km/h-ra változott. Úgy tűnik, ez függ SCP-096-1 távolságától

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. Ettől a pillanattól nincs semmi akadály, ami SCP-096 útjába állna. SCP-096-1 pozíciója nincs hatással SCP-096 reakciójára;úgy tűnik, hogy a lény valahogy érzékeli SCP-096-1 lokációját, helyzetét. scp-096 története. SCP-096 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom. Sapience Sentient Anomalous information Containment Class Euclid Anomalous properties Angered when face is seen Extreme durability Pursues target until the target is dead Career information scp-096 története. SCP-096 "A Szégyenlős Fickó" - YouTube. Forrás:álta: Wolf Márk []Fordította: Kiss AdriánIntró forrása - Incident 096-1-A - SCP Foundation scp-096 története. More shots are heard as the crowd begins dispersing, the loudspeakers unintelligible under the vocalizations of SCP-096 scp-096 története. SCP-096 locates SCP-096-1, a middle-aged man, and the camera views SCP-096 grabbing him before it is hit by a fleeing townsperson and is dislocated from the helmet. < End log> < Begin log> Video interview log 096-1-C. Who is SCP-096? Origin, Powers, Photos - Followchain. SCP-096 was discovered by the Department of Abnormalities and contained in a facility in Stuttgart, Germany, which was later designated as SCP-6720 scp-096 története. The personnel there had established containment procedures for the creature. However, due to an unknown incident, SCP-096 killed most of the personnel and escaped.. SCP-096 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom. The titular subject of SCP-096 (also known by its nickname "The Shy Guy") is a tall, thin, pale humanoid monster that remains docile and passive until someone has seen its face (either in. SCP-096 - The Shy Guy is a Euclid-class SCP from Series I, originally created by the author Dr. Dan in 2012.. Who Is SCP 096? [SCP 096 Origin Story] - YouTube. Who Is SCP 096? [SCP 096 Origin Story] SCP Exploration 245K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 23K 745K views 4 years ago Join us on Discord! / discord .more .more Join us on.. SCP-096 - SCP Nadace. SCP-096 si poté sedne na několik minut a opět se stane neškodným

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. Poté se pokusí vrátit do svého přirozeného prostředí, [DATA VYMAZÁNA] scp-096 története. Kvůli možnosti hromadné řetězové reakce, včetně prozrazení Nadace a velké ztráty civilních životů, je opětovné zabezpečení subjektu prioritou Alfa.. What do you think is SCP-096s origin story? : r/SCP - Reddit. Discussion. SCP-096 is pretty interesting when it comes to SCP terms. Many people are wondering what its origin story is, and there are many submissions on his origin story. Personally, I think my favorite submission is the "SCP-1529 Theory." But still, I want your answers.. SCP-096 - Fondation SCP. Description : SCP-096 est une créature humanoïde mesurant approximativement 2,38 mètres de haut scp-096 története. Le sujet ne présente quune très faible masse musculaire et les analyses préliminaires du corps suggèrent une légère malnutrition.. SCP-096 - The "Shy Guy" - The SCP Foundation Database. Several shots are heard, none of which are directed at SCP-096. SCP-096 stops for one second before running into the crowd of townsfolk, throwing many aside and trampling more scp-096 története. SCP-096 locates SCP-096-1, a middle-aged man, and SCP-096 grabs him before the camera is hit by a fleeing townsperson and is dislocated from the helmet. <END LOG>. SCP-096 | SCP Wikia | Fandom. SCP-096 is normally extremely docile, with pressure sensors inside its cell indicating it spends most of the day pacing by the eastern wall. However, when someone views SCP-096s face, whether it be directly, via video recording, or even a photograph, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress.

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. Is there any backstory of scp 096? : r/SCP - Reddit. SCP-1529 ⁠- King of the Mountain. [deleted] • 3 yr. ago. 049 sees 096 as a beaten up crying child. I think the reason he kills ppl who look at him, is because his parents abused him saying he was a "monster" so thats why (I think based on what I know from 049). SCP-096 - SCP: Secret Laboratory English Official Wiki. SCP-096 is one out of nine playable SCP classes within SCP: Secret Laboratory scp-096 története. SCP-096 acts an assault class SCP, capable of effectively pushing with their team and then tearing apart large groups of targets once provoked.. SCP-096 - SCP Foundation - Wikidot. Beschreibung: SCP-096 ist eine ungefähr 2,38 Meter große Kreatur mit menschlicher Erscheinung. Die Entität zeigt wenig Muskelmasse, was auf starke Unterernährung hinweist. Beide Arme haben eine Länge von ungefähr 1,50 m. Die Haut ist meist ohne Pigmentierung und ohne Anzeichen von Körperbehaarung.. The Shy Guy in SPACE?! (SCP-096) - IMDb. The Shy Guy in SPACE?! (SCP-096): Directed by Mitch Fernandez. With Ariel Hack, Joseph Jowett, Ryan Stewart, Abigail Turner. SCP-069 is a presumed humanoid entity of variable appearance and gender scp-096 története. Through an unknown ability, whenever SCP-069 is left alone with a recently deceased human body, the body will disappear and SCP-069 will take on the appearance, mannerisms, and knowledge of the .. 害羞人096-能力统计 Wiki Fandom讲解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏 scp-096 története. 层:至少9-A,可能是8-C,高8-C到8-A,可能更高 scp-096 története. 名称:096,害羞的家伙 scp-096 története. 起源:SCP基金会. 性别:看似性别,被称为男性. 年龄:未知,至少几十年. 分类:欧几里得级加密. 力量和能力:再生(低中),对环境伤害的抵抗力,疼痛,超人身体特征,伪心灵感应 .. Scp 096 ️ Play Now on GamePix. Among all the SCP creatures, 096 is frequently referred to as "The Crying Man". This makes it one of the more harmless mutants who mainly become aggressive when disturbed. There are many theories as to why the creature cries.. Found the origin of 096s screams : r/scpcontainmentbreach - Reddit. Found the origin of 096s screams. This is mainly just for personal archive purposes. I was trying to find the origin of the infamous femur breaker scream stock sounds. While I still couldnt find those, I did stumble upon the origin of 096s screams instead.. Scp一覧001-999 - Scp財団 scp-096 története. コンテンツアーカイブ. foundation-introduction-hub - 機動部隊、内部部門等に関する資料です。; Joke SCP - 素晴らしいジョークのために、全てのルールを放棄したSCPです。; アーカイブされたページの一覧 - 追加資料としての用途目的で、あるいはスタッフ権限によってアーカイブ化された記事です。. SCP-096/Gallery | Villains Wiki | Fandom. Fan Depictions scp-096 története

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. SCP-096 in Garrys Mod. SCP-096 in an Alagaddan outfit from "Masks, Monsters and Merchants". SCP-096 fighting SCP-1233 in "The Bowe Decommission, Part Three". SCP-049 hugging a young SCP-096. Pixelated art of SCP-096. SCP-096 as the Orphan of Kos from "The 096 Of Kos". Masked SCP-096. scp-096 története. Scp 재단 - 나무위키. 096 - scp 단편 재난 영화: Mrklay 채널에서 패트론 후원을 받고 제작한 23분짜리 영화. 제목처럼 SCP-096을 다루는 내용으로 정확히는 SCP-096의 사건 096-1-A에 관한 내용 scp-096 története. 얌전히 격리되었던 SCP-096의 이미지가 갑자기 노출되어 격리 우리를 부수고 탈출하여 재격리시키는 .. SCP: Secret Laboratory - 나무위키. 원작인 SCP-CB는 SCP 재단 에 존재하는 제19기지에서 일어난 대규모 격리 실패 사태가 배경이며, SCP: Secret Laboratory 또한 제02기지에서 발생한 대규모 격리 실패가 배경이다. SCP-CB가 D계급의 시점으로 본 탈출기였다면, 이 게임은 플레이어들이 다양한 진영에 배정되어 .. Scp基金會 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 scp-096 története. 之後會在幾分鐘內冷靜下來。由於scp-096在奔跑時並不會捂住臉,因此他在奔向第一個看到它的臉的人的路上會殺死其他看到它的臉的人。 scp-173 - 雕像:scp-173是一個由鋼筋、混凝土及噴漆組成的雕像 ,形似放大的花生。在人直視它的時候是靜止的,無人觀察 .. SCP財団 - Wikipedia. SCP-096. メタタイトル:シャイガイ; オブジェクトクラス:Euclid; 身長約2.4メートルの痩せた人型実体。自分の顔を直接見た、あるいは写真や映像で間接的に見た相手を、殺害するまで追いかけてくる。なお、走行中のSCP-096を止める試みは、すべて失敗している。 scp-096 története. Scp-096 - Scp財団. アイテム番号: SCP-096. オブジェクトクラス: Euclid. 特別収容プロトコル: SCP-096は常に5m×5m×5mの鋼鉄製の密封された独房に収容されています。. 週に1回、独房に裂け目や穴ができていないか検査します。. SCP-096の独房の中に監視カメラや光学的道具を設置しては .. Operation Blind Eye | Task Force Wiki | Fandom. Operation Blind Eye is the fourth operation to get released on 15th August 2021. The MTF Squad ETA-10 "See No Evil" have to go to the deep artic in order to do a critical mission. Locate and re-contain SCP-096. It is the 4th operation to be released. This is a critical mission, operatives: locating and recontaining 096. Weve traced parties involved with 096s breach to the deep artic. Youre .. Scp基金会 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书. 之后会在几分钟内冷静下来。由于scp-096在奔跑时并不会捂住脸,因此他在奔向第一个看到它的脸的人的路上会杀死其他看到它的脸的人。 scp-173 - 雕像:scp-173是一个由钢筋、混凝土及喷漆组成的雕像 ,形似放大的花生。在人直视它的时候是静止的,无人观察 .. Oroszország - Wikipédia. Oroszország területének nagy részét óriási síkságok borítják. Fő tájegységei: A Kelet-európai-síkság vagy Orosz-síkság: Oroszország európai részén fekszik, dél felől a Kaukázus, keletről az Urál választja el a Nyugat-szibériai-alföldtől.Csak kevés helyen éri el a 300 méteres magasságot. Mezőgazdaságilag igen termékeny vidék, de ásványkincs . scp-096 története. Steam Workshop::S.C.P. Foundation Expanded. The SCP Foundation is a secret organisation receiving funds from nearly every government in the world to secure very dangerous anomalies. Their anomalies, formally called SCPs are to be protected at all costs and to be isolated from the public. SCP-096 "The Shy Guy" - Has some regenerative abillities SCP-173 "The Sculpture" - Can crush a .. SCP列为儿童邪典之后,漩涡中的孩子、家长与成人爱好者_澎湃人物_澎湃新闻-The Paper. SCP列为儿童邪典之后,漩涡中的孩子、家长与成人爱好者 scp-096 története. 视频中是一个看似凶猛、恐怖的怪物。. 它身高2.38米,每只手臂长约1.5米,身体部位严重不成比例,大部分皮肤完全不含色素,没有眼珠,体表无半根毛发。. 这个"怪物"代号为SCP-096,一度吸引了李祥 . scp-096 története. SCP-096 | Villains Wiki | Fandom. SCP-096, also known as the Shy Guy, is a supporting antagonist in the SCP Foundation universe

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. It is a Euclid-class humanoid contained by the Foundation, who will know if someone looked at its face and relentlessly pursue that individual until violently murdering them while screaming.. SCP-001 PROTOTYPE vs. SCP-096 SHY GUY - YouTube scp-096 története. Dr Bob brings you SCP Foundation Esoteric Class object, SCP 001 THE PROTOTYPE and Euclid Class object, SCP 096 THE SHY GUY.This is the story of SCP 096 being.. 096 (2020) - 豆瓣电影. 6 有用 初音方法论大帝 看过 2020-12-05 00:17:34 scp-096 története. 7分,粉丝向作品,如果对scp有些了解绝对看不懂,不过也把我成功拉入坑了。096绝对是一个很有魅力的怪物,如果有机会将其拍成长片并拍好,它带给我的恐怖将绝不会逊于《它在身后》。. scp682 不灭孽蜥 包含实验记录(转自scp基金会官网) - 哔哩哔哩. 项目:scp-096. 样本测试记录: 无 scp-096 története. 处决试验记录: 装着scp-096的收容箱被送到scp-682的房间内。人员清空四周后容器被遥控打开。 双方的尖叫持续了廿七(27)小时,然后噪音突然停止。声纳摄影装置顕示出scp-096严重"受伤"并在西南角蜷缩成一团,似乎很沮丧。 scp-096 története. Finding SCPs in Real Life - YouTube. The SCP Foundation is a series with lots of lore on YouTube. It contains lots of different creatures, entities, and abnormalities scp-096 története. There are some very popula.. Scp-096 - «Скромник». Объект №: scp-096 Класс объекта: Евклид Особые условия содержания: scp-096 должен постоянно содержаться в своей камере (герметичный стальной куб 5х5х5 м). Обязательны еженедельные проверки на наличие любых трещин или .. SCP Foundation — Википедия. SCP-096 (автор: Dr Dan) — высокое гуманоидное существо худощавого телосложения с аномально длинными руками. Если посмотреть на лицо данного существа, оно начнёт закрывать лицо руками, громко . scp-096 története. Steam Workshop::[SCP] Enhanced SCP-096 - Steam Community. ─ System: Enrages when a non-SCP player has SCP-096s face on his "screen" (see Known Issues); Calms down when all his targets are killed ─ or, if you enabled `Unrage on Time` option, when the enrage time runs out; Configurable Sound paths & hear distance; Configurable Movement Speed bonus while enraged; Configurable Screen Shake while near of an enraged SCP-096. SCP: Containment Breach Remastered on Steam. Remastered is a mod for SCP: Containment Breach scp-096 története. It includes various community sourced mods and content as well as custom content such as graphical enhancements and gameplay scp-096 története. Creators to all community sourced content are credited in the credits section of the game scp-096 története. SCP: Nine Tailed Fox. scp-096 története. What are some good NSFW SCPs out there? : r/SCP - Reddit. 166 is the most obvious scp-096 története. 597 is another classic scp-096 története. The implication of 231 and Procedure 110-MONTAUK. Those are the ones that pop in my head first. The-Paranoid-Android. • 7 yr. ago


SCP-166, SCP-597, SCP-231


lostcosmonaut307. • 7 yr. ago. Thank you sir! scp-096 története. 【SCP-096 "羞涩"的人】可能是史上最全的音频SCP档案!!【SCP基金会】_哔哩哔哩_bilibili. 【scp基金会】,【解密】俄罗斯士兵在海滩上发现的未知生物遗骸,是传说中的龙吗?,中元节,鬼开猎杀了,来自至高神性的压迫感,你看到了096的照片,但后室,比活剥人皮还残忍的 活采肉莲,096怎么死的?,微恐诡异短片《警察帮助半夜遇袭的少年》,096 scp-096 története. 几款知名度较高的scp相关游戏(简介+下载)(已更新) - 哔哩哔哩. 游戏简介. 基于原版收容失效制作的手机游戏,拥有完整剧情。. 除上述游戏之外,还有SCP-087-B等游戏,但由于它们并不具有代表性,因此这里不再赘述,有兴趣的朋友可以在Google或Steam上搜索"SCP"、"SCP Games"。 scp-096 története


另外,Garrys Mod、Minecraft、Human:Fall Flat等游戏 .. بنیاد اس‌سی‌پی - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد


به نظر نمی‌رسد موقعیت واقعی scp-096-1 بر پاسخ scp-096 تأثیر بگذارد scp-096 története. به نظر می‌رسد که یک حس ذاتی از مکان SCP-096-1 دارد. توجه: این واکنش هنگام مشاهده تصاویر هنری رخ نمی‌دهد (به سند ۰۹۶-۱ مراجعه کنید.. SCP-096 The Shy Guy (SCP Animated) - YouTube. Today we bring you a SCP Foundation EUCLID class object, SCP-096 Animation.LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to TheRubber Channel Today!SCP 096 is normally extremely docile. .. SCP-035 - SCP Foundation. Item #: SCP-035 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-035 is to be kept within a hermetically sealed glass case, no fewer than 10 centimeters (4 inches) thick. This case is to be contained within a steel, iron and lead-shielded room at all times. Doors are to be triple-locked at all times, with the exception of allowing personnel in or out.. SCP: Secret Laboratory on Steam. SCP: Secret Laboratory (SCP:SL), is a free-to-play multiplayer horror game, inspired by the SCP universe. The game centers around the Foundations mission to protect humanity from the dangerous creatures and entities that threaten it scp-096 története. However, with the involvement of the Chaos Insurgency, this quickly introduces both conflict and turmoil .. Scp 재단/유클리드 - 나무위키. 대표적인 예로 scp-049, scp-096, scp-173이 있다

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. 일단 원본 문서 상단에 기재된 격리 등급은 케테르. 다만 scp-7000은 일반적인 scp 문서에서 상당히 멀어진 구성을 하고 있으며 이야기 진행 도중에 진정한 변칙개체의 정체가 밝혀져서 결말 시점에서 최종적인 scp .. Scp096 附096图片(慎点) - 哔哩哔哩 scp-096 története. 中文名:羞涩的人外文名:The shy guy编号:SCP-096分级:Euclid类型:认知危害、不死生命性别:男性,或者无性别 SCP-096平时被收容于一处黑暗密闭的隔间中,一旦有人看到了SCP-096的面部图像,SCP-096便会立刻感知到此人的存在,突破一切阻碍到达此人所在地并干掉此人。. SCP-096 - Official SCP - Containment Breach Wiki - Fandom scp-096 története. SCP-096, or "The Shy Guy" is a harmful humanoid SCP encountered in SCP - Containment Breach scp-096 története. SCP-096 is a humanoid creature that is normally extremely docile. However, when someone views SCP-096s face it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress. SCP-096 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently briefly before chasing down the person .. The SCP Foundation - SCP Series | Genius. Anuv Jain - Husn (Romanized)Lose YourselfMockingbird24View All scp-096 története. List of SCPs / 001 to 099 / SCP-001 - Awaiting De-classification (Blocked) / SCP-002 - The "Living" Room / SCP-003 - Biological .. Scp-173 - 나무위키. SCP-173은 아래와 같은 특성을 가지고 있다. 공격성: 공격성이 매우 강하다. 눈을 감으면 목을 부러뜨려 인간을 죽일 수 있다. SCP-CB에서는 공격력이 즉사 수준인 것으로 표현되었다 scp-096 története. [3] 속도: 매우 빨리 움직이며, 이동할시에는 이족보행을 하지 않고 위치 이동만 .. 在这玩节奏大师呢_哔哩哔哩_bilibili. 在这玩节奏大师呢. -, 视频播放量 2960、弹幕量 0、点赞数 118、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 27、转发人数 2, 视频作者 夏天吃冰y, 作者简介 地球online贫民玩家,相关视频:【节奏大师】BSPower Explosion 5KHD 谱面展示,【节奏大师现场教学】从新手到高手只需30秒,【节奏 .. SCP-096 MODEST juego gratis online en Minijuegos. Grand Hotel Mania. Idle Archeology. Rush Upgrade. Five Nights at Freddys. Minecraft. SCP-096 MODEST está de moda, ¡Ya 126.863 partidas! Juega gratis a este juego de Escape y demuestra lo que vales. ¡Disfruta ahora de SCP-096 MODEST!. SCP-173 | SCP - 收容失效 中文维基 | Fandom. scp-173,又名"雕像",scp - 收容失效中的主要威胁。 scp-173是一个由混凝土和钢筋组成的雕像。它能够高速移动,可以通过折断头骨底处的颈部,或勒颈来杀死别人。 然而,scp-173在有直接视线接触时无法移动。 scp-173是玩家遇到的第一个scp。在游戏开始时,d-9341被从他的牢房中带走,与另外两名d级 .. SCP-096 | SCP: Secret Laboratory Official Wiki | Fandom. Official SCP Wiki Information "SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass.SCP-096 is normally extremely docile.However, when someone views SCP-096s will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress.Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after the first viewing, SCP-096 will begin running to the .. All SCP Sounds (Free) - - Create & Download Free .. The best collection of SCP sounds you can find Category: Games Tracks: 219 Views: 492000 Tags: SCP SCP SL SCP Secret Laboratory SCP Containment Breach SCP 173 SCP 49 SCP 79 SCP 96 SCP 106 SCP 939 scp-096 története. Steam Workshop::SCP 096 - Nextbot scp-096 története. SCP-096 is normally extremely docile, with pressure sensors inside its cell indicating it spends most of the day pacing by the wall scp-096 története. However, when someone views SCP-096s face, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress. SCP-096 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently.. SCP-096 | SCP: Roleplay Wiki | Fandom

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. SCP-096 is contained in a reinforced steel box, in its containment chamber all the way at the end of Sector 3, requiring a Level 4 Keycard to access. The first room is a viewing area with a Keycard scanner which opens SCP-096s containment box, alongside briefing lines for Class-D.Inside of the containment chamber itself is various floodlights, barrels and storage crates/boxes, alongside the .. ROBLOX SCP-096 [1.2] CODE FOR REACTOR - YouTube. Code: 7816. SCP-049 - SCP Foundation. Item #: SCP-049 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-049 is contained within a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell in Research Sector-02 at Site-19. SCP-049 must be sedated before any attempts to transport it scp-096 története. During transport, SCP-049 must be secured within a Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness (including a locking collar and extension restraints) and monitored by .. 100 Popular SCP Roblox IDs 2024 - Roblox Music IDs. 100 Popular SCP Roblox IDs scp-096 története. Updated: August 31, 2022 scp-096 története. 1. SCP Remix - This is your last warning: 875184075 2. SCP-173 Song: 146311683 3. SCP 3008 - Friday Theme: 5256146757 4. SCP-096 Scream (raging): 343430735 5.. 保安 | SCP - 收容失效 中文维基 | Fandom. 保安是scp - 收容失效中基金会的防御人员。他们被用来维持站点内的控制,以及控制scp和d级人员。 保安的作用是防止可能的收容失效事件发生,并确保d级人员遵守命令,不试图逃跑。目前为止,游戏中共可遇到13名守卫(不包括设施中一些死亡的保安,他们经常出现在无法进入的区域内)。

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. SCP-096 | SCP基金会 Wiki | Fandom scp-096 története. SCP-096 项目编号:SCP-096 项目等级:Euclid 特殊收容措施:SCP-096应被一直收容于一间5m × 5m × 5m的钢制气密立方体隔间中,每周必须检查隔间有无裂缝或孔洞。SCP-096的隔间内绝对不允许出现监控摄像机或任何类型的光学工具。安保人员应使用预先安装的压力传感器和激光探测器以确认SCP-096是否处于 .

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